January 28


Entrepreneurship and Creativity

Entrepreneurship and creativity are inextricably linked. Unfortunately, business processes can easily overshadow and suffocate creativity, leaving it simmering on the wayside instead of being a driving force. The truth is that creativity benefits every aspect of business, so it must be nurtured and sustained.

According to the great novelist, Maya Angelou, creativity is a bottomless pit: “The more you use it, the more you have,”.  It is true, creativity enables alternative ways of thinking. It unlocks our emotions as well as our minds. It leads us to previously unseen aspects of ourselves. It enables the appreciation of one’s own uniqueness and identity. It can assist in bringing out what is already within – brilliant ideas and inward capabilities could even resurface. It links us to our interests.

We have gathered the most important qualities one must have to become a creative entrepreneur: 

  1. Take risks – This is a well-known characteristic of an entrepreneur. However, as a creative entrepreneur, you must be willing to take risks with new ideas. New ideas frequently pave the way for significant advantages over your competitors.
  2. Be thirsty for innovation – Discover new, innovative ways to bring your creative work to your audiences 
  3. Welcome change – Creativity can take many forms. It is connecting with yourself or with others, connections that generate new ideas; it is embracing fear and the inner critic, and it is remaining open-minded.

These, along with knowledge and creativity, can assist you in starting a successful business.


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